Another member of the Jillybeans Design team is Heather Pearson and she has given us a little bit about herself:
I am Heather, wife to Andrew and stay at home Mum to 4, James (14), Chelsea (12), Whitney (10) and Nicholas (3). The children are mainly the subject matter for my scrapbook pages.
I began Scrapbooking in January 2006 after following a few leads found through on line craft supply shops on the internet. I found UK Scrappers and I have never looked back. My children
were the inspiration behind my scrapbooking as I have always kept memory boxes full of things that they may treasure in the future, first nursery drawing, cards they made,favorite items of clothing, badges, bookmarks, all their birthday cards, all the little things that I would have loved to have had kept for me. Scrapbooking seemed to me a perfect addition to those treasures. It let me put even more memories into the archives with much more detail than I ever would have.
It also lets me speak to them in a most unusual way. I can start with a picture from any given day and tell them how I felt about their achievements, hopes and dreams and just how much they mean to me, good and sometimes not so good,
I wonder what they will make of those pages in time
As a keen photographer scrapping gives me another way to get my many 100's of photographs in albums. I belong to a camera club which is another wonderful source of inspiration and I find that my photography assignments often end up on my scrapbook pages. The two hobbies compliment each other perfectly and each enhances the other.
I have always struggled to put my style of scrappiing into a particular category. I seem to leap from one style to the next depending on the project I am working on. I love trying out new techniques and styles and definitely have my favourites which I use over and over again. I could not live without ink and stamps, I confess to being a real 'stampaholic'. At this point in time I am having hours of fun playing with textures and various mediums and paints.
I love altered art and dabble in many forms, ATC's, Inches, working with glass and metal, I seem to have permanent inky/mucky fingers with one thing or another.
Challenges I take up with great gusto, I like nothing more than to be given a title or a list of items to use and left to run with it as I choose. I do love subscribing to courses and I constantly strive to learn new design elements. techniques and principles.
I teach classes for my local craft shop crops, design scrapbook pages for a couple on line shops and of course I am a proud member of Jillybeans Design Team . Earlier this year I also taught classes at the Luxurious Angels Retreat in Lockerbie and I am teaching again at
the next retreat, now that was great fun.
I have had a whirlwind scrapbooking year and enjoyed some small success in my own way. I seek no fame or fortune (good job as I spend a small fortune on stash!) I just enjoy being creative and I can't ever see that ending.
I find it an impossible task to choose a favourite layout so I have chosen to share a recent page starring my youngest son and my husband. This photgraph was taken on Easter Sunday on a family day trip and my recent submission for Jillybeans Design Team Gallery. Now this page I love,
my eldest daughter and I did have this conversation and she thinks it is hilarious that it ended up in her scrapbook album. These memories are priceless!
This wonderful hobby has brought so many hours of pleasure it is almost beyond measure, investing in memories, designing recollections, what better way could I spend my time