I am the very proud and lucky owner of probably the cutest Westie pup ever (in my humble opinion that is.) I had wanted a dog for over two years, and as much as I tried to put myself off the idea it just didn’t work. I had spent the last two years searching the Internet for articles about my favoured breed of dog, the West Highland White Terrier. Even reading that the terrier can be very wilful didn’t put me off. I guess I’m just a glutton for punishment as the thought of a dog with a lot of ‘spirit’ made me want one even more.
I even had a name for the as yet non existent dog- Pablo. I’d chosen the name in a rather complicated way. I followed Formula one, and admired the driving skills of Juan Pablo Montoya, who drove for Maclaren, who were sponsored by West (are you still following? I told you it was complicated didn’t I?) Anyway, West-Westie- Pablo. I guess there are more conventional ways of choosing a non existent dog’s name really.
So - I do have a habit of making a ten word story into ten thousand words - two years of wanting the said Westie, lots of Westie products in the house (including a Bear Factory stuffed Westie toy, called Pablo of course) I was still no nearer to getting the actual real life furry version. I started searching websites for Westies for sale and came across The Kennel Club site. I found Westies for sale just down the road from us, but a quick phone call later confirmed they were all spoken for. I decided it was just not going to happen, but couldn’t resist frequently going onto the Kennel Club site for another look. Eventually I found another add for Westies a bit further away, but available. We said we would go and have a look but not rush into anything (after two years we thought we were rushing?) We decided not to take any money with us when we went to look at the pups, to stop us buying one there and then, HA!
As soon as we walked into the room where the pups were we were choosing which one would be ours. I had my daughter’s birthday money in my purse, she kindly donated it to the deposit, not that she knew as she wasn’t actually there.
There were 3 puppies, but one was reserved, we chose the one with the floppy ears, he was so cute, his brother was lovely but there was just something about ‘floppy ears’ that we fell in love with. As the pups were only 5 weeks old we had to wait two weeks to bring Pablo home, two weeks in which I managed to buy just about every puppy accessory available. With my favourite hobbies including photography and scrap booking, I couldn't wait to have the cutest little furball to use as my subject.
There were 3 puppies, but one was reserved, we chose the one with the floppy ears, he was so cute, his brother was lovely but there was just something about ‘floppy ears’ that we fell in love with. As the pups were only 5 weeks old we had to wait two weeks to bring Pablo home, two weeks in which I managed to buy just about every puppy accessory available. With my favourite hobbies including photography and scrap booking, I couldn't wait to have the cutest little furball to use as my subject.
This LO was made using Crate papers- Hampton court
collection, which was sent to me as a birthday kit from Jillybeans scrap yard. I love the way the papers matched a lot of the photos I had taken of Pablo as a new pup, and have used the kit in a mini pupbum that I can use as a brag book. I used transparency for the title. I love this as you can layer it over your photos or embellishments. The only thing is you have to print everything in mirror image, and I often forget. We thought we would give Pablo his first bath soon after bringing him home, he didn't exactly love the experience!
Nice first post!
Well, what a lovely story, Mrs Cadbeary. Nicely rounded - in fact, a very waggly tale! :)
Well you know me! I'm a sucker for Westies...and little Pab. is no exception - he's adorable!!
Oh I love these little doggies! Pablo is gorgeous. Great LO too.
He is just the cutest of cute!!! I am feeling all warm and fuzzy now.
I absolutely LOVE Pablo, he is the most adorable little puppy ever! I want him! LOL. Gorgeous layout, too. I love the title.
Pablo is adorable. The crate paper you have used for your layout is just perfect.
okay! So, just yesterday, I called my Westie (Sully) a doglet. My husband asked where the heck I got that from since I always say it. Now I come to your blog and you have a Westie and you have an image about a doglet. This is such a funny coincidence! My whole site was named after Sully and I have several images dedicated to him. Can't wait to see more of Pablo!
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